Grief usually kicks in at any loss, big or small — a broken dish, the death of a pet, or the loss of a loved one. Processing these feelings is a journey. It can be done alone or better, with others. Locking away the feelings arising from a loss can contribute to health problems and a shortened life.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross brought grief to the public’s attention in the 1960s by studying people who had a terminal disease.
John W. James and Russell Friedman, the authors of Grief Recovery Handbook, researched those who are losing or who have lost someone or something. They recognized that everyone has their own grief journey.

Everyone has their own grief journey.
Many tools are available to help in this journey:
- rituals (such as funerals),
- solitude,
- crying,
- talking with a friend or a therapist,
- journaling,
- reading,
- grief groups.
Pretending that everything is fine without processing grief emotions is detrimental. I invite you to walk your grief journey, and, if it helps, share your journey with others.
Want to talk? Make an appointment with me – phone, teletherapy or in person.
For more tips on living, check out the rest of my blog or follow me on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
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