Articles, websites, presentations and more.
Caregiver Stress
Becoming Better Legal Professionals by Taking Care of Ourselves and Each Other, 2019 KCMBA Lawyer Well-Being Summit, October 10, 2019
Caring for the Caregiver Resources
Caring for the Caregiver, EnVision Retirement Seminar, Community of Christ Temple, Independence, MO, August 28, 2019
Caregiver Stress: Caring for the Caregiver, Childers Counseling Service Blog
Caregiver Stress (audio). Martha addresses the stress caregivers experience and ways to release it on Every Woman radio show on KKFI 90.1 FM. June 11, 2016.
Setting Boundaries Across the Board: Addressing the Caregiver Challenges for Professionals, Volunteers, Families and Patients, July 8, 2016, 8:30 to 10:30, Grief Support Network, Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, KS.
Have you found someone to spend your life with? As you build your relationship, do you need a little help with commitment, your life goals and expectations, family or family planning? Learn more about the premarital counseling Martha offers.
Conscious Relationships: Cultivating Connections through Intention, Presence & Accountability, February 2015, written by Martha Childers, EdS, and Tracy Ochester, published in Evolving Magazine.
Couples & Money: The Last Taboo, June 15, 2014, Evolving Magazine Conscious Living Festival, Handout for attendees.
Couples & Money: The Last Taboo, October 16, 2014. Given at 5th Annual Conference Financial Therapy Association.
Minding Your Health
Hair and Skin Care Tips from Around the World, written by Martha Childers, EdS
Healthy Habits and Goals for Beautiful Hair and Skin, January 2015, written by Martha Childers, EdS, published in Evolving Magazine.
Minding Your Health – Managing Holiday Stressors, November 22, 2014, written by Martha Childers, EdS and Tracy Ochester, published on
Midwest Alliance for Mindfulness
Mindfulness for Everyday Living, August 2019, written by Martha Childers.
Mindfulness for Cancer Support, December, 2014, Shawnee Mission Medical Center Cancer Support Groups
Mindfulness for Everyday Peaceful Living, August, 2014, written by Martha Childers, EdS and Tracy Ochester, published in Evolving Magazine
Mindfulness for Mental Health Professionals, October 23, 2014, Research Psychiatric Center Community Education Series, Research Brookside Medical Center
Mindfulness for Volunteer Advocates, January 29, 2015, CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates)
Meditations, Mindfulness for Mental Health Professionals, October 23, 2014, Research Psychiatric Center Community Education Series, Research Brookside Medical Center
Resources for 50+ Adults
Library Services for Seniors, July 2011
Getting Seniors Hands on Government Information, October 2009
Caregiver Stress (audio). Martha addresses the stress caregivers experience and ways to release it on Every Woman radio show on KKFI 90.1 FM. June 11, 2016.
Setting Boundaries Across the Board: Addressing the Caregiver Challenges for Professionals, Volunteers, Families and Patients, July 8, 2016, 8:30 to 10:30, Grief Support Network, Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, KS.
Boundaries for Everyday Life, November 17, 2015. Presented to Mental Health Association of American of the Heartland.
The “Ethical Elephant” in the Clinical Room: Demystifying Financial and Economic Diversity, October 9, 2015. Given at KU Edwards Campus.
Martha’s Slideshare Account Couples & Money: The Last Taboo, October 16, 2014. Given at the 5th Annual Conference Financial Therapy Association.
Therapy Resources
Minding Your Health – Tips and Resources to Help You Find the Right Therapist, June 28, 2014, written by Martha Childers, EdS and Tracy Ochester, published on
Lower Cost and Free Psychotherapy, written by Martha Childers, EdS and Tracy Ochester, PsyD.
Kansas City Mental Health Resources offers information about counseling, psychotherapy and other types of behavioral health care in the Kansas City metropolitan community.
Health resources in the Kansas City area for the underserved.
Martha's Outreach
- Age Positive Conference, Mid-America Regional Council, April 2018
- Navigating to 100 Seminar, Caring for the Caregiver, September 2017
- Every Woman Radio Talk Show, Local Score Recipient, June 2017
- Every Woman Radio Talk Show, The Psychology of Women & Money, September 2016
- Grief Support Network, Addressing the Caregiver Challenges for Professionals, Volunteers, Families and Patients, July 2016
- Every Woman Radio Talk Show, Caregiver Stress, June 2016
- School of Social Welfare, KU Edwards Campus, The Ethical Elephant in the Clinical Room: Demystifying Financial and Economic Diversity, October 2015
- Mental Health Association of America of the Heartland, Boundaries for Everyday Life, November 2015
- Research Psychiatric Center, Mindfulness for Mental Health Professionals, October 2014
- Financial Therapy Association, Couples & Money, October 2014
- Local Sponsor of Listen to Your Mother held May 2014
- The 2014 Guide to Jewish Living, May 2014
- Welcome to Martha’s World Café Online Community!
Filling Your Soul with Leah Ruby podcast
Martha Childers, American Small Business Championship Winner