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Sociopath Next Door

This book by Martha Stout impacted me so much that I gave copies to all my close relatives. It’s important to me that my loved ones know one when they see one.

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Listening is a skill.

The best way to let the person you’re conversing with know that you heard what they said is to paraphrase what you heard.

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Creating Endowments

Napoleon Hill, the author of classic books on prosperity, said, “You give before you get.” Wealth gurus and spiritual guides profess that giving a portion of your wealth, typically 10%, leads to wealth and spiritual growth.

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Social Media and Kids

The Surgeon General has issued a report on the effects of social media on kids. Children using social media often feel worse about themselves and their friendships. And since it’s addictive, they can’t turn it off.

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Cry Your Heart Out

When I was a child, crying was frowned upon.

While I was in high school, one of my male classmates cried when someone hit his car by accident. Waves of shock wafted throughout the class as some people talked in hushed tones about his reaction.

Attitudes like this may be changing. I hope they are.

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Kids and Money

A friend of mine said that her kids didn’t seem to appreciate the cost of going to a high-end clothing store. She looked for a remedy. She noticed that a friend of one of her children never asked her mother for money. So, she asked the mother how she managed that.

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