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You Are Worthy

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You Are Worthy

These days of isolation provide us with an opportunity to look inside ourselves, to reflect on our lives. Each of us is unique. No matter what we look like or where we come from, we are worthy. It’s important to know that about ourselves and others.

Once, when I was sitting with my family at the dinner table, I looked around with eyes more objective than usual. I was shocked and amazed by how different each of us look, even though we are closely related. Others are most likely even more different in appearance.

Ribbon of Worth

Join me in celebrating this wonderful diversity. If you’d like a guide to accepting your own worth, check out Ribbon of Worth. The author, Dawna Daigneault, created this rich website, a book (available in paperback and electronically), and an app. Explore, explore, explore. Take a journey inside yourself.


Want to talk? Make an appointment with me – phone, teletherapy or in person.

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Author: Martha Childers

Martha Childers, EdS, LPC is a multicultural psychotherapist specializing in couples, grief and caregiver stress. Martha is a licensed professional counselor in Missouri and Kansas. She received her masters and education specialist degrees in counseling psychology from the University of Missouri – Kansas City. She practiced Zen through a variety of Japanese traditional arts for 3-1/2 years. Since that time, mindfulness has been an integral part of her life. Her interest in human nature, beliefs, and life styles led her to become a counselor.

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