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Have Cabin Fever?

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Cabin Fever, Self isolation

We’ve all probably suffered from cabin fever at some point, but today’s required social distancing and self-isolation are new habits we all need to manage.

Some people can handle the self-isolation while others go stir crazy – and literally do crazy things. Cabin fever can make you feel:

  • Cooped up and restless
  • Lethargic and/or unmotivated
  • Irritated and on edge
  • Hopeless, sad or depressed
  • Lacking patience or an inability to cope with stress

social distancingUse Social Distancing to Your Advantage

If you’re feeling cooped up or wondering what you might do over the next couple of weeks, here are 10 suggestions.

  • Read a good book. You don’t have to have it physically in your hands if you have a computer, kindle, phone or tablet. There are plenty of good reads to be found online.
  • What are the things around your home you have been putting off? Cleaning that spare room, sorting items to go to Goodwill, downloading all those photos from your phone? Take the time while you have it.
  • Have kids? Get out some paper, pens, markers and crayons. Have some family time by just doodling and drawing.
  • Get out the board games. Monopoly is one of those games that can last for hours (maybe days, even!).
  • Have some puzzles? This is a great activity to do by yourself or with others in the family.
  • When the weather is warm enough, go out for a walk. Just remember to stay 6 feet from anyone on your walking trail.
  • Go outside! If you have a front or backyard, now may be a great time to start cleaning and preparing for spring.
  • Write! You can write letters to family and friends keeping them updated on what you are going through. Make it even more fun and write a story or keep a journal.
  • Be active. Exercise. Dance. You can do things whether you are inside or out. If you don’t have weights, find some heavier household items that you can lift and stay active. Listen to some funky music or create your own.
  • What new activity have you been wanting to start or try? Now is the time!

Some other thoughts for you.

It’s important to maintain normal eating patterns and not overeat or skip meals.  Eating healthy will keep up your energy levels.

Be sure to use your brain. TV can be a mindless activity; keeping your brain stimulated may mean you are less likely to do something extreme.

Unwind at the end of the day (or throughout the day). Use this breathing technique – inhale deeply through the nose for about four seconds, then exhale through your mouth for about eight seconds. Repeat three to five times (or as much as needed).

We’re all worried with the current pandemic situation and want to know the latest news; however, best advice is to not overdose on the news. There’s only so much each of us can take. Give yourself and your mind a break from all the media input.

Want to talk? Make an appointment with me.

For more tips on living, check out the rest of my blog or follow me on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Author: Martha Childers

Martha Childers, EdS, LPC is a multicultural psychotherapist specializing in couples, grief and caregiver stress. Martha is a licensed professional counselor in Missouri and Kansas. She received her masters and education specialist degrees in counseling psychology from the University of Missouri – Kansas City. She practiced Zen through a variety of Japanese traditional arts for 3-1/2 years. Since that time, mindfulness has been an integral part of her life. Her interest in human nature, beliefs, and life styles led her to become a counselor.

This post has 2 Comments

  1. Julie on March 20, 2020 at 4:54 pm

    Or maybe do some weaving…or knitting…or sewing…or embroidery. Any kind of craft will do. I’m trying to connect with a a hospital so I can make face masks for them. Haven’t managed to connect yet, but I’ll keep trying. I figure that will keep me as busy as can be!

    • Martha Childers on March 23, 2020 at 10:32 am

      These are great ideas. Serving others is a good remedy for cabin fever. Thank you for your comment.