‘Tis the season to be jolly.
For those of us who are fortunate enough to actually have family, it’s time to get together. You’ll put up with Aunt Tillie’s unfiltered comments about everything from your attitude to your clothing, listen to pontifications by the patriarch, and eat that same ole tofu salad that your sister brings every year. You’ll experience dead silence when Uncle Sam’s name is mentioned – he’s still in jail. You’ll get to hear the cherished stories, be in the warm glow of family, and enjoy traditions passed down from generation to generation. You love them, even those who are rather odd. They’re family. … Oh, I forgot.

Did the Grinch really steal Christmas?
This year the Grinch really did steal Christmas.
All those annoying and delightful people that you spend time with and spend money on may not want to get together with you – nor you with them. The vicious virus is lurking. Who knows where it is. After all, it is a virus! You may have friends, family, or friends of friends who have had it, or even died from it. You’ve heard the reports of people near and far who are suffering as a result. Possibly worst of all, you may have had an elderly loved one with dementia pass in the nursing home probably feeling totally confused and abandoned – and you feeling completely helpless and bereft.
You may be talking with friends and relatives for days about what to do. How much of a risk is it? Is it worth it? What am I going to do? You may languish that day with your cat or if you have a close family, with them. You may drive across country to see loved ones. You may take an airplane to go home.
Whatever you decide, I wish you and yours a wonderful and safe holiday season.
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Wonderful article. Thank you.